GGYRO 6DoF — gyroscope with six degrees of freedom.
First, all the objects and theories described in this article have the status of a hypothetical at the moment. That is, the holographic hypothesis has not been repeatedly confirmed experimentally.
Second, a new type of mechanical gyroscope with six degrees of freedom is proposed for experimental verification (base). Of the two and three degrees of freedom mechanical gyroscopes known to science, this is the last of the types with the maximum number of degrees of freedom in the holonomic system.
Third, with the creation of an experimental base — the top of the physical pyramid, which is actually the foundation of the future Theory of Everything, is temporarily withdrawn from criticism until the moment of practical implementation of the experiment and measurement of measurements.
A typical $ 20 hand trainer — mechanical gyroscope has three degrees of freedom. If you twist it with a thread, you will feel resistance in your hand. A gyroscope with six degrees of freedom can additionally raise or lower, move forward, backward, left, right — your hand. If instead of a thread you use a motor of a certain design and a gyroscope with six degrees of freedom, then you can fix it, for example, in a backpack, then it can lift you and move you in three-dimensional space. Moreover, it will not contradict the basic laws of physics (in particular, the law of conservation of momentum). No electrical power is required for the motor, as the rotor GYRO 6DoF rotates around two of the three axes on its own. It is necessary to maintain the rotation of the rotor around one axis only. Essentially, this device safely converts some of the vacuum energy (zero-point energy) into electrical energy (safe as we order twice the energy ourselves). A gyroscope with six degrees of freedom is a breakthrough direction that has a huge number of practical applications and should belong to a country with maximum freedom. However, it is difficult to prove this, despite the fact that this is the third possible and last type of mechanical gyroscope from the gyroscopes known to science with two and three degrees of freedom.
In physics, the types of mechanical gyroscope differ not in the concept of construction — “a sphere inside another sphere”, but in the number of degrees of freedom and strictly the dynamics of the rotor. GYRO 6DoF has six degrees of freedom. Six degrees of freedom — indicates the ability of a physical body to perform geometric movements in three-dimensional space, namely: move forward / backward, up / down, left / right (in a Cartesian three-dimensional coordinate system), and also make Euler rotations around each of the three mutually perpendicular axes (yaw, pitch, roll). It is the third type of mechanical gyroscope 200 years after the invention of the physicist Johann Bonenberger.
According to Euler’s rotation theorem, simultaneous rotation along around of stationary axes is impossible. However, for of full turnover of a physical body simultaneously around a fixed point and around three fixed Cartesian axes per cycle — possible. For is we can use one simple parametric equation of angular displacement any the points on the meridians and of the equator of the spherical rotor around fixed Cartesian axes according to the laws of simple harmonic motion.
So the GYRO 6DoF is justified by the fact that its spherical balanced ceramic rotor in a vacuum per cycle produces one complete revolution not around one axis as in conventional power gyroscopes but simultaneously around a fixed point — the center of mass and three axes according to the laws of harmonic oscillations and so we have fundamentally new properties. Forced oscillations of all points of the rotor of GYRO 6DoF possess spatial and temporal coherence since the phase difference of the orthogonal oscillations of every point of the rotor is constant. More generally, coherence describes all properties of the correlation between physical quantities between several waves or wave packets and generates a fixed interference pattern. For coherent oscillations of the rotor, this a fixed interference pattern is six groups of angular accelerations elements of mass in vacuum connected with directed of the fixed axes of Cartesian coordinates. It is assumed that the artificial displacement of the interference pattern causes the decoherence and result in a directed and distance-acting entropic force. The result of the operation of an unusual gyroscope is the possibility controlled of generating directed entropic forces, which leads to controlled entropiс gravity, also known as emergent gravity.
We need to demonstrate the possibility of creating coherent oscillations of a dynamic system (a spherical rotor in an evacuated cavity of a spherical stator of an unusual gyroscope). The equation includes a complete set of variables determining the state of the system in three-dimensional space (coordinates, velocities, and pulses), as well as their time derivatives. Using the process, one can choose Δt sufficiently small, but finite to obtain an approximate numerical solution of the equations of spherical motion.
In modern quantum theory, the term equation of motion is often used to designate just the classical equations of motion, that is, just to distinguish the classical and quantum cases. In this case, the use of the word “solution of the equations of motion” means precisely the classical (nonquantum) approximation, which can then be used one way or another in obtaining a quantum result or for comparison with it. We call the parametric equation — the classical equation of motion or analog equation of motion of a spinor field.
The spherical rotor in a vacuum makes forced oscillations under the control of a computer. Each point of the rotor moves along many surfaces of concentric spheres around one fixed point. We can compare these points with the elements of the rotor mass.
Let us start with the definition of coherent oscillation of a classical body.
“The motion of a physical body when only one its point О remains fixed all the time is called the rigid body motion (rotation) around a fixed point О. In this case, all points of the physical body move along the surface of concentric spheres, the centers of which are located in the point О. Therefore, such motion is called the spherical motion of the body. Based on the definition of the spherical motion, we obtain parametric equations of the coherent oscillation of the elements of mass ”.
“Coherent oscillations of mass elements is a spherical motion of a physical body, forced and full oscillations of the points of which are performed by angular displacements at the equator, at each of the two main meridians, and change over per cycle according to the law of cosine and/or sine.”
θx, θy, θz — angular displacement of previously selected points on two orthogonal meridians and the equator of the spherical rotor’s, around orthogonal to their flatness the corresponding fixed Cartesian axes associated with the accelerated observer.
Parameters: θ = πt and -1 ≤ t ≤ 1; where θ is the geometric angle defined by an arbitrary direction in a clockwise and /or counterclockwise direction, starting with the corresponding semiaxis, and t specifies the required accuracy of the angular displacement. When Δt → 0 and are the coordinates of the center ε → 0.
The small-angle approximation is a simplification of the basic trigonometric functions which is approximately true in the limit where the angle approaches zero. They are truncations of the Taylor series for the basic trigonometric functions to a second-order approximation.
sin(θ)≅ θ
According to the Holographic Principle: “In the limit of a very large area, the bonding surface can be taken as a flat plane at infinity.” Then the projections onto the holographic screen are H = A = ∞, S is the arc length — the path of the projected point and O is the segment on the holographic screen. Then S = O, θ∼S, and
sin(θ)= θ.
And so, we got the formula for the total angular rotations of the rotor around three axes per cycle.
We have an extremely simple equation of the rotor spherical motion of a GYRO 6DoF in three-dimensional space.
The coherent fluctuations of the rotor occur in a vacuum. Such thermodynamic isolation of the rotor from the nearest external environment is crucial because it eliminates the possible influence of the temperature Unruh and entropy changes on the rotor surface. Thus, in a vacuum, the rotor acquires local temperature and entropy when matter (particles) is displaced.
Moreover, such rotor oscillations are characterized by central and translational symmetry, along with mutual orthogonality, as they occur around each of the axis (x¡).
According to the laws of combinatorics, we have 64 variants of the directions of coherent oscillations of the rotor:
4³- 4=60, (±cosθ,±sin θ→4 for 3 coordinates).
For 3D simulators, only storing a matrix of 60 spins will require about a few terabytes of memory.
But it is impossible to effectively simulate the dynamics of quantum particles because of the appearance of a formally negative probability. Since this problem is seen by a scientist as fundamentally irresolvable, a complex nonequilibrium system will not be able to calculate any power on a computer in a finite time. But if we postulate the positive probability itself and write it in the form of a parametric formula, we can see the dynamics of the particle projections on a spherical screen and study their properties.
Already today, the new method a worked-based GYRO 6DoF proved to be a valuable tool to provide dynamic and quantification of the property of particles of the Standart Model. The computer simulator «3D MAX» for experimental verification of the Holographic Principle allows working on the Planck scale, about 10–33 cm, which is more than a billion times less than anything that can be studied directly with laboratory experiments.
At the heart of the Universe is anisotropy — a global temperature gradient Unruh. Suppose that the Holographic Principle works, and then this gradient of temperature can be projected without loss of information on the spherical holographic screen. Then the pairs of projections (entropy gradients, known in quantum mechanics the phenomenon called «zitterbewegung») moving along on the chosen each of half-screens, according to thermodynamics, will interact with the global temperature Unruh [1] gradient and experience various entropic forces.
On the screen, we can see three generations of particles, the intersection of their projections on the screen, which can explain the known three forces and interactions. In the classical world, under the conditions of decoherence, the entropic force is a gravitational force — a cooperative phenomenon. Many such forces are what we call entropic gravity. This formalism solving the problems of hierarchy additionally demonstrates the difference between the mechanism emerge of the inertial and gravitational mass.
Note that the curvature of space-time (3D) is not required, as it is secondary if we are in the position of the Holographic Principle. Space-time and gravity appear together with fundamental laws on a holographic screen (2D), like a three-dimensional image on an optical hologram film. It is pertinent to recall that in connection with this, the favorite weapon of physicists is Occam’s razor. Common sense tells us that only the film is real, and the three-dimensional image is an illusion. However, in everyday life, no one will suffer the consequences of such observation, which concerns the deeper fundamental nature of physical laws. In the video image, the projections of the SM particles move along a holographic screen on which we can frame this photograph of the global temperature gradient [1]. Centers of projection — particles experience different (in each cycle of constant), but most importantly — acting at a distance entropic forces. A series of controllable directed and remote forces lead us to the ability to control gravity.
The 3D MAX simulator is a video-based on one extremely simple equation of coherent oscillations.
The device has rigid parameters. This is when it is impossible to make it in a fundamentally different way (without using coherent oscillations of a massive rotor). In Gyro 6DoF we use inductors, but only to create coherent oscillations of the rotor and its levitation in the evacuated cavity of the stator. It is possible to produce coherent oscillations in another way, but this is the easiest way. We need only coherent oscillations of the rotor, nothing else is required. As a result of such coherent oscillations, a motionless interference picture arises from the accelerations of mass (protons, electrons) rotor. From Newton’s law, we know that a force leads to a non-zero acceleration. Of course, it is well known that acceleration and temperature closely related.
Namely, as Unruh showed, an observer in an accelerated frame experiences a temperature: 𝙠𝘽𝙏 =𝙝𝙖/𝟮п𝗰. So, the most important assumption is that the information associated with a certain area of three-dimensional space obeys the Holographic Principle. Information about the location of particles is stored in discrete bits on two halves of the spherical screen — one bit in the Planck - 𝙡² areas, but already two Planck areas contain three bits of information as additional information about the coordinates of each of the bits on the screen and are generated automatically. In other words, two bits contain exactly one bit of mutual information. This third bit of information is the reason that in the emerging holographic mechanism the world around us seems three-dimensional and in reality, all physical processes occur on the surface of the holographic screen of the Universe.
These types of information bits can accordingly be divided into kinetic and potential energy. Whatever information they contain, they contain it together. Let some region of space be enclosed in a spherical shell. This shell can be thought of as some kind of memory device for storing information. Assuming that the Holographic Principle is fulfilled, we find that the information capacity of this device is proportional to the area of the shell 𝘼, and each cell of the shell, by definition, contains one bit. All information on the two halves of the spherical screen — the closed surface of region 𝘼 we can be divided into numbers associated with the coordinates of the screen by number 𝙉 and information represented by the temperature of the screen 𝙏. Suppose the system has full energy 𝙀. Suppose that this energy is evenly distributed between two halves of one spherical screen with a number of bits 𝙉 (½𝙠𝘽𝙏) as the average energy per bit, where 𝙠𝘽 is a constant Boltzmann:
𝙀=𝙉 ½𝙠𝘽𝙏
𝙉= 𝘼/𝙡², where 𝙡² is Planck area = 𝙝𝙂/𝙘³
Where 𝙂 is a universal gravitational constant, 𝙘 is the speed of light, and 𝙝 is the given Planck’s constant.
Taking a holographic screen as the sphere of radius 𝙧, the surface area will be equal to:
Now we need another well-known formula 𝙀= 𝙈𝙘² and make a replacement:
𝙀=𝙉 ½𝙠𝘽𝙏=𝙉
consider 𝙖 — the acceleration of the rotor when we change the angular displacements of its mass elements around two of the three fixed axes of the Cartesian coordinates:
Add the mass of the rotor Gyro 6DoF to the left and right side of the equation and get the ability to control entropic gravity without exotic masses and speeds of light:
𝗙𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿=𝗺𝙖= 𝗙𝗴𝗿𝗮𝘃 = 𝗚𝗠𝗺/𝗿² — Newton’s second law and gravity law
As expected, the speed of light in the equation is conquered.
The proportionality of gravitational and inertial masses was experimentally established with high accuracy.
The independence of the equation on the speed of light tells us about the possibility of artificially created forces in the selected direction on the screen without limiting the distance and speed of light to transmit and receive information creating a directed entropic force in a Gyro 6DoF and measuring its remainder depending on the direction. This is equivalent to writing and reading information from the holographic screen as a grand computer memory chip, where the address is the spherical coordinates of the screen, and the data is the magnitude of the entropic force.
Gyroscope with six degrees of freedom.
1. Base.
2. Enclosure.
3. The Stator (diameter front section).
4. Frame.
5. Rotor.
6. Magnets.
7. Magnetic point.
8. Vacuum cavity (diameter front section)
9. Solenoids.
10. Sensors (magnetic and optical).
11. Slave controllers and drivers of induced coils.
12. Computer.
13. Accumulators.
14. Solar batteries.
15. Retaining bolts.
Let us discuss the concept of the GYRO 6DoF design, ‘a thick-walled sphere with the magnets in a vacuum inside another sphere with induced coils’. The design allows for three-dimensional oscillations of the balanced ceramic rotor 5 (hereinafter, the rotor) with the magnets pressed into it around its center of mass. Such a gyroscope without mechanical axes can be obtained by a master electromagnetic suspension that acts based on the principle of the rotor active levitation with magnets in the magnetic field. The rotor displacement from a predetermined equilibrium position is measured by the position sensors. The signals from the sensors are processed by a multi-core microprocessor control system which regulates the pulse of the current in the induced windings of the stator so that the magnetic forces return the rotor to the predetermined position and can simultaneously produce full angular rotations of the rotor in any direction under computer control. The control program is provided with the possibility of stabilizing the cyclic rotor speed.
Coherent oscillations of the rotor, leading to the appearance of a fixed interference pattern from the accelerations of massive particles and an increase in the amplitude of the probability of detecting a particle at a given point in space. Thus, a fixed directional force acts on each particle, which determines the participation in the interference pattern. “With interference, the wave energy is redistributed in space. This does not contradict the law of conservation of energy, because, on average, for a large area of space, the energy of the resulting wave is equal to the sum of the energies of the interfering wave ”- Wikipedia.
Under conditions of isolation of the thermodynamic system due to vacuum from the external environment, the energy of coherent oscillations is converted into mechanical energy and immediately into electrical energy (in the recuperation mode, the rotor magnets induce an EMF in the stator around two of the three axes of rotation per cycle). We can turn double thermodynamic free environmentally friendly energy into electrical energy and at the same time use an unusual gyroscope as a generator of long-range entropic force obtained in all 64 variants of the direction of coherent oscillations. New experimental data: a rotor weighing only 50 grams at a rotation speed of 7000 rpm in a vacuum generates a long-range entropic force of 2.7 N.
This does not contradict the fundamental laws of conservation of energy and momentum, since the dimensions of a closed system with coherent oscillations of particles are limited by the holographic screen itself. This new holographic technology could be scaled up to a significant scale, heralding a revolution in science, industry, and free zero energy for households without the use of electric mains. Stopping energy wars. Destruction of viral envelopes by resonant mechanical vibrations long-range entropic forces. Spaceships no longer need tons of fuel to stay in orbit or explore deep space. The International Space Station burns approximately 4 tons of fuel each year at a cost of 1 kg = $ 20,000.
[1] Rethinking cosmology: Universe expansion may not be uniform (Update)
[2] G. ’t Hooft, “Dimensional reduction in quantum gravity” (1993) [arXiv:gr-qc/9310026].
[3] L. Susskind, «The World as a Hologram». J. Math. Phys. 36 (1995) 6377, arXiv:hep-th/9409089.
[4] J. D. Bekenstein, “Black holes and entropy,” Phys. Rev. D 7, 2333 (1973).
[5] W. G. Unruh, «Notes on black hole evaporation» Phys. Rev. D 14, 870 (1976).
[6] Erik Verlinde. «On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton». arXiv:1001.0785v1 [hep-th].
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